Haworth Special Services Department
The Haworth Public School Special Education Program is unique in its ability to provide sensitive and comprehensive individualized attention and programming for students experiencing educational difficulties.
The Child Study Team consists of a Learning Disabilities Teacher-Consultant (LDT-C), School Psychologist, and School Social Worker, who oversee the evaluation and implementation of special education programs and placements which span the full continuum of options for children determined eligible for special education services. In addition, the Speech/Language Specialist serves as a member of the Child Study Team when a student's difficulties may be attributed to deficiencies in speech and/or language skills. Child Study Team members are also available as resource personnel for staff and parents when students may be experiencing academic, social, emotional, and/or behavioral distress which impact on school functioning.
The Special Education Program at Haworth School includes a Resource Center Program which offers a full continuum of services ranging from teacher consultation to total replacement of identified academic subject areas. Resource Center teachers work closely with general education staff, parents, Child Study Team members, private tutors, outside professionals and the administration to generate a variety of instructional programs appropriate for all Haworth students.
Students with disabilities are afforded educationally focused related services as indicated in their Individualized Educational Plans. These may include Speech/Language Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, social skills training, counseling, transportation, and assistive technology.
In conclusion, a distinguishing factor of the Haworth School Special Services Department is its knowledge and involvement with the total school population. While Special Services personnel have detailed knowledge of the needs of students requiring special education services, they willingly make themselves available to share their expertise with the entire school community.