Please find the updated work log which chronicles the current status of our project!
- Week of July 8 - 12: The HVAC systems are in place on the roof of the 4th and 5th grade wing. The grounds are being prepared for more external work while framing begins inside the new structure. The plumbing and framing is almost complete in the Pre-K classrooms. Work on the rebar and footings is set to begin next week in the Hawk Hall Wing!
- Week of July 1 - 5: Masonry work on the fourth and fifth grade wing continues while a strong focus on insulation and HVAC work begins on the roof. In the Pre-K classrooms, masonry work is completed and plumbing work begins. Trenches for footings are being dug in the Hawk Hall Wing!
- Week of June 24 - 28: Work has officially begun in all three phases of the project (4th & 5th Grade Wing, Hawk Hall, and the Lower Level Pre-K renovations)!
- Week of June 17 - 21: The building is being prepared for work on the Hawk Hall (middle school wing of the school). The exterior brick work resumes in the 4th and 5th Grade Wing.
- Week of June 10 - 14:. Next up is insulation and brick work on the 4th and 5th Grade Wing.
- Week of June 3 - 7: The steel roof on the 4th and 5th Grade Wing has been installed! Meanwhile, work continues on the Pre-K classrooms in the lower levels (more details on Parentsquare).
- Week of May 27 - 31: This week steel work for the roofing will begin on the first phase of the project. More progress will be made in the Pre-K classrooms and updates to our gas service is scheduled to be complete.
- Week of May 20 - 24: Work on the Pre-K classroom has begun! Work on expanding our gas service is also underway. The new sidewalk in the front of the school is ready for use. In the first phase of the project, cinder block work, concrete floor, and electric routing is almost complete.
- Week of May 13 - 17: The concrete floors will be poured in and the electrical conduits are being routed. More upward progress is being made on the walls of the structure.
- Week of May 6 - 10: The laying of the foundation is complete and the workers are back filling around the footings. The masons will continue to lay cinder blocks.
- Week of April 29 - May 3: Rebar and foundation pouring continues for the corridors within the building. Masons will continue laying cinder blocks and inspections will continue.
- Week of April 22 - 26: After inspection approval was granted, the masons began work on laying cinder blocks around the outer perimeter of the structure.
- Week of April 15 - 19: The rebar has been inspected and the foundation for the upper elementary is being poured.
- Week of April 8 - 12: Catcord will pump out the existing rainfall from trenches brought upon by the latest storms in order to finish laying the foundation footings. Laying the rebar is next! Rain, rain stay away!
- Week of April 1 - 5: With the project area cleared and prepared for construction, Catacord is finalizing footing trenches required to begin laying the foundation for the new Upper Elementary Wing. Rainy weather makes Foundation pouring difficult, so fingers-crossed for nice weather!